New Feature... ArtBoards!!

We've just added a great new feature to our site. We call it ArtBoards. It's just like the shopping cart from your favorite online store, except it's for selecting art to license.

View images you're interested in and click "Add to my ArtBoard". When you're ready, see all your choices in one place by clicking "designs on ArtBoard" at the top right corner of the site. You can then write a note, add comments or questions to each image and send it to us, to yourself and your colleagues. It will arrive nicely formatted with all of the images and info.

We hope you find this a useful feature to facilitate your design selection, request and review process. As always we would love to hear your feedback.

Jennifer Brinley to be Featured on Christmas Seals

The 2013 Christmas Seals from the American Lung Association selection went to Jennifer Brinley for 2013. It's a multi-year process to determine which are the favorites and Jennifer came out on top.

It's quite an honor to be featured on this annual fundraising tradition that has been raising money to fight disease for more than a hundred years. To learn more about the ALA, just visit their site at Christmas Seals were first issued by the Lung Association in 1907 to combat tuberculosis. Today, seals help the Lung Association fight new battles against asthma, lung cancer, influenza, tobacco use, air pollution and more.

Jennifer is honored to be featured for such a good cause.

more news...


Join Us at Surtex - May 19th to 21st, Booth 423-425

Surtex is coming! If you're going to be attending and would like to make an appointment, please contact us and we'll find a good time. Hope to see everyone there.

Ruth, Peter & Mark

Our New Site!!

Well, it's not news to you if you're reading this that we have a brand spanking new website. But if you're here, perhaps you want to learn more. We've made a significant investment into this site as it is a major tool for us to reach our customers.

New features include:
- All related images are grouped together
- Artists work can be sorted by categories we think will be most useful to you.
- You can search for images by name or image number
- Everything works much faster.
- Images automatically load as you scroll the pages and browse the art.
- A new visual design
- This news section

Coming Soon!
- Keyword searches. Right now you will be able to search by any word in an images name, but you might not know what the name is. In the coming weeks after launch we'll be adding key words. So, for example, if you're searching for "bunny", but the file name says "rabbit" right now you won't find it. That will change.
- "Shopping Cart" We're going to have a feature very soon that will allow you to select images you are interested in licensing and easily send that in an email to us with asking for whatever information you may need. We're still working on that functionality but we feel it will be very useful to you.

We ask that you bear with us as we polish the rough edges. There may be mistakes or bugs or images that don't display how we expect. We're working hard to take care of all those things.

If you have any feedback at all for us on how we can improve this site, please don't hesitate to contact us.

We hope you like it.

Ruth, Peter & Mark